Webinar: 'Taking charge of your finances πŸͺ™'

Here you can find the recording of our webinar with Sanjna Mehta, co-founder of Yzer. In her keynote, she talked about the importance of financial literacy, Bitcoin and why it is so important for everyone to learn about blockchain.

Sanjna Mehta is co-founder of Yzer.io, a gamified mobile-first app that teaches Crypto & Financial information for free!

Women represent 30% in crypto-space. That figure should be higher, why that is so lwere quickly revealed in the keynote. During the presentation, Sanjna told us about the importance of breaking traditional financial barriers. Equal economic opportunity and knowledge is the beginning of building your equity. Sanjna is an expert in Bitcoin, blockchain and Web3 and is passionate about helping more women also step into this world without being overwhelmed.

You can find the recording of the webinar here! ⬇️


The slidedeck can be downloaded here.

More info on the Yzer app can be found on their website, and a beta version can be downloaded already!

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This was the 'Women in data' event: recap